It's just about 6 weeks since I was diagnosed with my Lymphoma, and so far so good, in that I am much better than I was in December - perhaps I am heading towards a clinical remission?
I went to the Vet Place today for a vincristine in Stormie's Limousine, just a short 30 minute visit, Nurse Jo made a fuss of me whilst they did the medicine. They have to wear funny clothes when they treat me because the stuff they put in me can cause harm to a healthy human. I think their hair falls out too. Humans are bald enough as it is!!! Fancy only having a patch of hair on the top of your head and around your private bits and bobs!!!
I've been a bit sicky-up-tummy again recently so Ben Vet gave Meowmie L something horrid to give me, it is called Metaclopramide and it goes into my mouth through a syringe. It makes the sickyness go away but I HATE IT! Meowmie has to wrap me up in a towel or I will scratch her arms to bits - like I do with the Buddha Mat and the Sofa. Meowmie tries to bribe me with treats but she can't fool me - I'm no dog-brain!
Tuesday, 30 January 2007
Six weeks on...
Posted by
The Furry Fighter
Tuesday, 16 January 2007
My Away Day
I hate leaving the safety of my comfy home but I have to stay at the Vet Place sometimes, only for a day, not overnight, so to make it seem more pleasant I call it my Away Day.
Yesterday was an Away Day. Meowmie L took me to the Vet Place in a box on wheels with a strange man at the front. The Strange Man asked Meowmie L what I was!!! I was most offended, I am a SIAMESE CAT, what do you think I am? Then Meowmie L asked the exact same question on my behalf (I swear she can mind-read sometimes!) and the Strange Man said he thought I was "one of those creatures that live near water and hide in holes". Meowmie looked incredulous and said something that sounded like "An Notter?". I don't know what a Notter is but I am NOT a NOTTER!
When we got to the Vet Place the nice smiley nurse Anne was ready to greet me and welcome me into my box for the day. Ben Vet and Caroline Vet were there too, I must be important! As soon as Meowmie had gone, they took some fur away from my leg with the vibrating machine again - and then stuck a tube in my leg and left me for a bit until it was time for my Doxyrubicin. I'm not so keen on Doxyrubicin, it makes me feel a bit sick-tummy-up.
I felt a bit scaredy-cat at the Vet Place so hid under my blanket all day and didn't eat, Nurse Anne and Nurse Jo tried their best but I can be a little madam sometimes. Meowmie came to fetch me home in the evening and took me home in what she called "Little Stormie's Limosine" - but it looked exactly the same as the box on wheels we got into this morning, it was a different Strange Man in the front though - thank God. I'm not an NOTTER!
Posted by
The Furry Fighter
Sunday, 7 January 2007
Happy New Year!
Oh boy, did we have a good New Year! Meowmie J came to see me and Castle and she bought something with her which made me very happy....CHICKEN. I was getting a bit fed up with Turkey so the chicken made a lovely change. Meowmie L mixed it up with some gravy stuff and it was delicious and i made a bit of a mess down my front but Castle licked me clean again.
After we ate our chicken Meowmie J and Meowmie L went out - i think they went to eat some chicken with their friends, that's what humans do you see, they get together and eat their chicken off of one giant plate, which has private little sections for each human to eat their chicken from. Some of the giant plates the humans use can fit 10 people around them! I can't imagine 10 cats around my food bowl, I wouldn't tolerate it!!!
Whilst Meowmie was out there was some big bang noisey-sounds going off in the sky, and there were coloured lights falling from the stars. It was mesmerising, my eyes went all big and I stared but then a big noisy-bang would scare me and send me scuttling back under the sofa. I was braver than Castle, he just hid the whole time.
Yesterday I had another chemo, this was vincristine again, nice and easy to deal with, and only 30 minutes at the Vet Place, not a whole day. Ben Vet said he was happy with my progress, Ise lost a bit of weight, I now weigh 3.57kgs compared to the 3.76 I did weigh. ben Vet reassured Meowmie L that this was the equivalent of a big poo, so not to worry. Phew!
Meowmie L put the Fake Green Thing away today which was a shame, me and Castle like playing around it and hiding and jumping around it. That's my brother Castle down there, chilling under the Fake Green Thing, he's not as pretty as me - but he is handsome.
Posted by
The Furry Fighter