Crapola. I have to go for a scan tomorrow morning for sure. I've done another tummy sick-up since I last wrote. You know how us cats are so clean and we take care of ourselves so well? I wish I could clean my own sick up too...or perhaps get a little helper to do it for me, like this little chap, I feel bad for Meowmie cleaning up my tummy-ups:
After I posted on Tuesday night I kept my food down and had a good night of kip on Meowmie's bed with my brother Castle and then Meowmie was terribly naughty yesterday and pulled a sickie from the place where she gets the Vet Tokens...well, she was very tired cos she didn't sleep so well through worry, so I guess it was technically a 'sickie'. Meowmie then spent the day off with me, feeding me little and often just to make sure I wasn't gorging and making myself sick-up through greed. Who does she think I am...Castle?
All was looking good until 3am this morning - then I sicked up. Arse. Then, just before breakfast this morning at 7.30am, I sicked up some frothy, clear liquid - like my acid sicks after a steroid - but I haven't had a steroid since Tuesday night. I still ate my breakfast afterwards though!!! Meowmie then gave me an anti-nausea injection in case I was feeling sick (and to try and break the vomming cycle) just before she left the house - but I'm not feeling nauseous cos I am eating - a nauseous cat doesn't eat does it?!
My appetite is absolutely fine and I'm bright and alert and happy in general - but I understand that I have to have a scan cos I shouldn't be sicking-up quite so often. So, Stormie's Limousine will come to collect me at 8.15 in the morning and I will have an Away Day at the Vet Place all day - Meowmie thinks I may not have to have my tummy shaved cos there isn't really that much to shave off. I hope she is right! I am afraid I have refused to pose for a tummy picture for my blog - I am far too dignified! I drew blood whilst refusing to pose too - just to make sure the message got through!!!
EDIT: Message to Meowmie - it is now 6pm and I haven't been sick all day - quick, you still have time to call the vet and cancel tomorrow's scan appointment!!!
Thursday, 30 August 2007
Tummy scan tomorrow. Poo.
Posted by
The Furry Fighter
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
Bit scared...
Hello furrends...sorry i'se haven't been round to see you for the past few days, Meowmie will help me tomorrow when she is able. I did pop in to The Cat Realm to see how things were with Anastasia and was ever so sorry to read that she may have gone to the Bridge, my Meowmie's eyes got wet. I prayed and prayed for her at the weekend...the Bridge sounds like a nice place from the Animal Communicator's description on her blog, and Anastasia sounds happy too although I am sure she is missing her staff loads...I'se send lots of purrs to her staff and hope they are OK.
So, my brother invaded whilst I had my back turned! And he saw that I called him fatty too...that will be the reason why he batted me round the head a few times yesterday then! Anyways, I'se glad you have all met him properly, he is a wonderful brother and we have been so close from day one, when Meowmie came to collect us from our Kitten Home me and Castle were cuddling each other so Meowmie took us both, she only intended to have one of I'm very very lucky. Meowmie fell in love with the 'X' on my nose apparently and couldn't resist me, she said that "X marked the spot", hehe. Here is another picture of me just to remind you that I am prettier than my brother, and you can see the X on my nose too:
So, I'm feeling a bit scared tonight. I have been sick quite alot over the past 4 days. Sunday was particularly bad, I was sick 4 times - but I don't know if it was a combination of me gorging my food, a cocktail of medicines (I had Periactin, Stemetil, Steroid and Antepsin within the space of an hour), or the worst thing lymphoma coming back. I've been eating well, no problems there, but today when Meowmie got home from work my regurgitated breakfast was in the hallway, and then she fed me a LOVELY tuna and tiger prawn meal and I chucked that up about two hours later (and an hour after taking my steroid). At least I chucked up on the newspaper though, I kind of have that one figured out now: newspaper = sick catcher. Meomwie's eyes are a bit wet tonight cos she is scared and she doesn't want my lymphoma to come back either. Ise just had some more food so hopefully I'll keep this portion down and we can all stop being scared again.
The worst thing about all this is that Ben Vet said he would have to scan my tummy again if I keep being sick - and that means he will shave OFF my new downy hair that has taken 8 months to grow!!! Gah!
Posted by
The Furry Fighter
Monday, 27 August 2007
Castle Invades!
Hey - Castle here - Storm's brother and Player Of Eggs.
So THIS is what she has been getting up to when she sits with Meowmie and the lap-telly! Hogging all the love and adoration! It has always been ME that gets the attention, love and adoration - cos I am handsome and also cos I throw myself down in front of people and demand it! I am not shy when it comes to demanding love and adoration. My sister Storm is though...she is very cautious with people, dunno why! And, much to my chagrin, I see Storm sneaked out and went pigeon-spotting in the Big Wheel without me too!!! That is the *last* time she leaves me at home on my own!!! So, hello Storm's furrends, here are some pics of me for you to adore too!
...and here is me attacking someone's tail!!'s my own!
Oh..and Storm is doing well...she has been eating quite a bit, stealing more than her fair share it should be noted, but I will allow it cos she needs her food right now, more than me...but I see she has been calling me Fatty!!! I will have to give her a litle bat round the ears later for that!
Posted by
The Furry Fighter
Friday, 24 August 2007
My Big London Adventure
Oh I have been very naughty today! I decided to go and explore the town I live in - LONDON! As soon as Meomwie went to get the Vet Tokens and Castle went to sleep I sneaked out for a quick whirl around on the Big Wheel London Eye! I can see it from my kitchen window and realised I had to have a go on it - mainly because it really is the ULTIMATE pigeon-spotting perch in London! Look, see what I mean?:
It was a bit nerve-wracking getting to the tube station - then I realised I didn't have any Salmon Tokens with me to buy my travel ticket - which for some strange reason is called an OYSTER!!! I don't like Oysters at all - eating one of those things is like having a bad cat flu. Here is me looking confused at the Oyster dispenser:
I realised I was too short to get an Oyster so I snuck on to the tube train by slinking along the ground so no-one could see me. I went on a metal staircase that moved too. That was very scary and I was very frightened that I might get my fur caught up in the moving bits! I am bald enough on the tummy as it is, I don't need to lose any more fur! When the tube train came rushing out of the big hole all my fur went on end and I did a little involuntary sideways ballet step or two before calming down again. The platform was nice and quiet cos all the computers had already gone to work so rush hour was finished so I had time to pose for this picture, don't I look brave...yet pretty?:
I got off the tube at a funny place called loo is made of litter and newspaper so I find the concept of a water loo very strange - for a start I would get my paws wet!!! Anyways, the only water I could see was the big river and then I saw the Big Wheel London Eye. And then I saw all the pigoens perched on the spokes of the wheel...I did not hesitate further and slinked my way on to the wheel and hid under the bench in one of the viewing pods. I couldn't see much but then a lovely man in wheel chair scooped me up and perched me on his lap so I could get a better view. I think he was quite taken with me - see how he gazes at me? I usually hate sitting on laps but I was so mesmerised by the pigeons I stayed put for a is a picture of me on the wheelchair man's lap:
I the suddenly remembered that I had a visit to the Vet Place scheduled so I dashed home and got back in time for a late lunch and a nap before Castle missed me. Meowmie came home and took me to the Vet in my Limousine, I had a new Strange Man In The Front today, he did not know the way so Meowmie had to direct him. Caroline Vet had a good feel around my tum and bits and bobs and said everything felt good. She also gave Meowmie some NEW medicine for me, it is called Antepsin - it is to help my tummy be less sensitive and will hopefully prevent me from being sick so often (I puked agauin today just after breakfast) - kind of like Zantac but more agreeable apparently. Still tasted foul to me though! Caroline Vet said that if the puking continues then I may have to have a scan to try and see what is going on...this will mean another shaved tummy!!! Just when it was getting all soft and downy again! *sigh*
I enjoyed today and may go for a wander more often...and I may take Castle with me too (cos I got a bit scared at times).
Posted by
The Furry Fighter
Thursday, 23 August 2007
8 Months On...
I realised a couple of days ago that it is pretty much exactly 8 months since I was diagnosed with my lymphoma. The 'median' survival time is 6-9 months so I am now in the upper reaches of the median survival window. But like I said some months ago, some poor little kitties can succumb to this disease very quickly (weeks, a month or two) and others can go on for 3, 4 or 5 years. So, basically, I'm still thanking the Great Cat In The Basket for every day I am here with my Meowmies and Castle.
Meowmie got me and Castle a lovely Rotisserie Chicken again tonight - it's probably cos I have a visit to the Vet Place tomorrow for a check-up. I've been doing well really but I did do a sick-up the other day but otherwsie I am OK - eating well and feel good and strong. Managed to sink my claws into Meowmie a few times when she gave me my tablet earlier. I didn't draw blood but there are nice little red marks on her arm now. I will probably draw blood tomorrow when she puts me in my carrier and takes me to the Vet Place in Stormie's Limousine!!!
Changing the subject completely, I would like to thank Jinx at Under The Stairs for asking me to be part of the logo for her Mum's new website - Cat Bloggers - a chat forum for all the cat bloggers. Please stop by and join up! I am SO proud...I hope Yao-Lin does not object to another Meezer being given this honour *slightly nervous*
Here is a picture of me and Castle in a Chicken Trance - we had just stuffed out faces on the lovely stuff! Just so you know, I used to have whiskers like my brother!
Posted by
The Furry Fighter
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Food Thief!!!!
Firstly - I didn't go to the vet today! PHEW! I haven't been sick and I am eating well so Ben Vet told Meowmie not to bother, but I have to go for a check up on Thursday to make sure things are OK in general. So thanks for all the positive thoughts and good wishes, they worked and kept me away from the Vet Place today. Now, on to some very interesting news...
For the past few nights I have seen Meowmie helping herself to some of my rabbit-flavour Whiskas In Gravy pouches - but instead of putting it in my bowl she put it in her bag and then LEFT the house!!! Has she got some more cats somewhere I wondered?...has she taken a liking to cat food and is having it for lunch at the place where she gets the Salmon and Vet Tokens from? Then I heard her on the phone to Meowmie J - she was very excited and explained that she had managed to get within 5 feet of an urban fox by tempting it with MY FOOD!!!! She has been feeding the foxes that live in the streets of Islington with MY food supplies! She said that they are surprisingly tame, there are three of them that she regularly feeds, she thinks they might be a mother and two yonger foxes. Here is an urban fox - some people don't like them though:
The reason she won't let me eat rabbit (hence it becomes fox food!) is because I used to have a NOMSS friend called Dubbs and he was a rabbit, he lived with us and we used to hang out loads, and Meowmie has always said that it wasn't right for me and Castle to eat rabbit. Anyways, I don't actually like the taste. You can take the duck flavoured food with you for the foxes too Meowmie! It is foul! Haha, no pun intended.
Here is me, Castle and Dubbs chilling out on the sofa together:
Posted by
The Furry Fighter
Monday, 20 August 2007
My Cunning Plan...
...has gone hideously wrong! You see, after my sick-up on Thursday my appetite wasn't quite as it should have been, I was eating little amounts of food but not as much as I should or could. On Friday night Meowmie kept trying to tempt me with Rotisserie Chicken (always works unless I really am ill) or Whiskas in Gravy. Well, I'm kind of bored of Whiskas in Gravy now so I didn't make much effort to eat it...I sniffed at it but then walked away....I suspected that if I kept this behaviour up then Meowmie would find me a tasty new treat to tempt me with. Something mega-delicious like she usally does!
It was a hard game to play, I caved in a little bit a couple of times but overall did quite well in not eating and I lasted right through to Saturday morning so was looking forward to a LOVELY temptation of some sort. Then disaster struck... I heard Meowmie on the phone to Ben Vet explaining that I wasn't eating properly. Ben Vet told Meowmie that she should go and get some Periactin appetite stimulant and see how I go until Monday, she then booked a provisional appointment for Monday afternoon and went off to the chemist to get the pills!!!! Oh Noes!!!!
However, on Meowmie's return I noticed that along with the Periactin pills she had some Waitrose bags full of different types of food. I thought to myself that I had better eat now, and end my game, cos otherwise Stormie's Limousine will be here on Monday to take me to the Vet Place. Meowmie placed a bowl of food on the floor and I tucked RIGHT IN!!! In fact, the food was delicious, it had REAL Tiger Prawns in it and Tuna in a fishy gravy. I ate the whole tin to myself! This was without the appetite stimulant too. Meowmie still gave me a quarter though after my meal just to be sure I didn't stop eating. This is a picture of my new favourite food - so my cunning plan kind of worked!:
I haven't had any more stimulant since Saturday morning and my appetite has been good...I am favouring fishy food at the moment and am enjoying the Waitrose stuff. Meowmie also got some Wairose dry food and I have taken a liking to that as well. Meowmie seems pleased with my appetite so I hope I am not sick between now and tomorrow afternoon otherwise I will have to go and see Ben Vet in the Limousine.
I would ask Waitrose to sponsor me but, as you know, I'll be bored of their food soon enough and will be eating another brand before I probably have another little turn with Waitrose again. Anyway I wouldn't want to get myself into trouble with my sponsors!!! Not like Britney Spears and her Coca Cola / Pepsi debacle!!!
Posted by
The Furry Fighter
Friday, 17 August 2007
Where is Summer?
I need to bask in the sunshine! Where has summer gone please? I got an hour or two in this morning on the rug in the sitting room where the sun streams through the window, but that was about it - it almost feels like the radiators should be on! At least I have Castle to cuddle up to when it gets a bit nippy.
I did a tummy-sick-up again today, and a little sick-up the night before last at 2am. If it happens again anytime soon Meowmie will have me up the Vet Place quicker than you can say "Ouch! Get your claws out of my skin!"
Meowmie was a bit worried today so she did what she usually does when I do a sick-up or my appetite slows down - she buys me a whole rotisserie CHICKEN from Waitrose. I have already shared one chicken breast with my bro, and I know there is one still left...Meowmie had the horrid leg meat. She must love me lots. Maybe if I sick-up a bit more Meowmie will buy me more chicken?'s like Bulimia but in reverse.
There was a red sky at night tonight - that means Shepherd's Delight - I heard Meowmie say it as she gazed out the window. What does it mean? Does it mean the Shepherd will be able to round his sheep up easily? I can't see many sheep from my window to be honest, or shepherds. Here is the view from my kitchen window, looking from East to West across London:
Posted by
The Furry Fighter
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Turning Chav-inese!
Look what my Meowmie did to me and my brother!!!! How COULD she turn us into Chavs! She said she is being 'artistic' and this her new 'brand' (whatever that is) and that we should think ourselves lucky that we are Pedigree Chavs - her name for 'common' pedigree breeds if you will! This calls for a BIG HUFF from me for the rest of the day. *HUFFS*
Posted by
The Furry Fighter
Middle Name MeMe
The lovely Adan tagged me to do a Middle Name MeMe, so a quick explanation, I don't have a middle name but Meowmie calls me and my brother 'Lidneys', I'm not 100% sure how this came about (something to do with Kids, Kidneys, cockney slang mix up) so I will use Lidneys for my middle name.
Here are the rules:
1. Post the rules before you give the facts.
2. List one fact that is somehow relevant to you and your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
3. When you are tagged you need to write your post using your middle name and facts about it.
4. At the end of your post, choose one cat to tag for each letter of your middle name. Be sure to let each cat know she/he has been tagged. (It's okay if you don't do this... tag who you want to tag!)
L = London, the town I live in. From my kitchen window I have a marvellous view across London, looking from East to West.
I = Me! I'm a meezer everything is about 'I'!!! Only kidding! I will choose 'ill-advised' cos you would be ill-advised to pick me up and cuddle me. I hate being picked up...strokes I LOVE though, you can stroke me until I am bald like Dragonheart!
D = Doxorubicin, one of the chemo drugs that helped put me in remission, not a very nice drug but it did the job.
N = Narcolepsy...Meomwie reckons cats have this cos we spend so much of our time sleeping!
E= The initial of the road where my First Home is, Meowmie J lives there but she could not live with us any more cos we started to make her ill so we came to live with Meowmie L.
Y= Yummy, this means 'chicken'. I had to get a reference to chicken in here somewhere as it is my favouritest thing in the world apart from my Meowmies and Castle-Pants
S = Salmon Tokens, these are things that Meowmie J and Meowmie L get given by a boss-person. I realise that Meowmie J and Meowmie L have to leave us alone all day every day to get these Salmon Tokens. I wish they could get Salmon Tokens AND stay at home with us all day.
My tags for the Middle Name MeMe are as follows:
Daisy The Curly Cat
Yao-Lin's Yawnings
Pearl C. Pritchard
Tara Princess Meezers
Casy Meezer Diva
Lux The White Cat
Forty Paws
Posted by
The Furry Fighter
My nose/face twin
My Meowmie thinks me and Yao-Lin look kind of similar...I know it would unwise of me to compare myself to such a Regal beauty but I can kind of see the similarities in some photos, so I'm gonna stick my neck out here and say that me and Yao-Lin are nose/face twins. Obviously I am not as regal...and I am a new-comer round these parts...but I am very very pretty despite being a bit scrappy from all the chemo...and despite only having 5 whiskers left...not bad for 11 and a half I reckon!
So, I present me and my nose/face twin...
Posted by
The Furry Fighter
Monday, 13 August 2007
Whisker Update
Woke up this morning and I've lost yet another whisker! Arses!
I have one full-length whisker and a tiny short one on my left cheek and 4 on my right cheek.
Good job I know my way round the flat and I don't venture outside cos I'd get stuck if I did.
Posted by
The Furry Fighter
Nearly a week without a sick-up...
...but then I went and ruined it all by doing a tummy-sick-up this morning. Five days then without a sick-up. That's quite good.
Meowmie wasn't here to look after me, she went out last night to see a friend and didn't come home until later today - but don't worry, she left enough food and water out and I had my brother with me to give me cuddles. I was not so sick I couldn't eat when Meowmie got home though! I had Gourmet Chicken Filets in Gravy. Meowmie then gave me a quarter of an appetite stimulant and a Stemetil anti-nauseau injection just to be on the safe side. I feel a bit sleepy now though cos they have similar properties to anti-histamine tablets - I'd better avoid operating heavy machinary and driving for a few hours.
I think I'll go for a nap with my brother...nite nite x
Posted by
The Furry Fighter
Saturday, 11 August 2007
The weekend is here and Meowmie has come home late and tomorrow she is out playing with her friends so I can only do a quick post for now. I'se still eating and I'se still haven't done a sickie tummy-up. Meowmie just gave me a steroid so I am bit pissed off with her but I'll forgive her in about 5 minutes.
To keep you amused here is a short film of my brother playing with one of his favourite toys - a raw egg. When he was a kitten and we lived at Meowmie J's (before we made her red and itchy and breathe bad) Castle used to get the eggs from the egg basket in the middle of the night and take them down the stairs and drop them on the floor outside Meowmie J's bedroom. One morning she woke up and there was 5 broken eggs on the floor and one unbroken egg - I heard some bad words but then I heard some giggling too :)
Sorry the film is sideways again, stoopid camera phone and Meowmie needs to upgrade her software! Hope everyone is OK!
Posted by
The Furry Fighter
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Feeling better...
Well hello everyone! I seem to have made some Furrends! Thank you all for stopping by, I really really appreciate it! It can feel lonely sometimes dealing with this horrible lymphoma. Well, you have all met me and are familiar with my face so I want to introduce you to my brother Castle, here he is chilling on Meowmie's Sleep Pad:
I have been feeling better since my visit to the Vet Place a couple of days ago. Meowmie has been giving me a 1/4 pill of appetite stimulant each morning, and at night I have had a 1/4 pill of appetitie stimulant also AND a Stemetil anti-nausea injection just to be on the safe side - and to keep my food in me so I can get fat like my fatty-bum brother Castle :)
The night I got back from the Vet Place (Tuesday) I was a bit moany and attention-seekery. I am not naturally a lap-cat, I MUCH prefer a good stroke and dishing out headbutts and doing dive-bombs against Meowmie's leg but Tuesday night I fancied a cuddle so I woke Meowmie up on quite a few occassions by jumping on to her Sleep Pad and doing LOUD Meezer moans right in her face!!! She LOVED it. I then did the BEST THING - at 3.30am after Meowmie had nodded off yet again I woke her up AGAIN by crawling under her duvert and demanding a cuddle. I stayed there for about 40 minutes just purring and rumbling next to her. This behaviour, as stated, is not really 'me' so Meowmie could not sleep and she was enjoying my company so much. Then I needed to sleep so I went to my own bed for some peace and quiet!
I've been pigging out too but I am still pretending I don't like Hills Science Diet so Meowmie gives me CatDonalds (Whiskas in Gravy, Felix...that sort of thing). I have also stuffed myself with Chicken - obviously! Meowmie had some crab for her tea tonight and I wanted some of that too!!!
Meowmie had a good chat with Ben Vet today, giving him an update on how I am doing. Ben Vet is very happy with how I have been since Tuesday. Meowmie also asked him why he feels a "hands-off" approach is the best way to go since we found out Leukeran makes me ill; he explained that he felt that I was in a Very Good Place right now and that the only other option was a COP-type protocol, however cos I have been on the rather intense Mad Wis protocol he feels that putting me through the COP protocol so soon may be detrimental to me and make other parts of my body go wrong, like my liver or kidneys which could send me to the Rainbow Bridge apparently. Ben Vet said we should save the COP protocol for when the Badness comes back...not if...when. I pray it is not yet.
Posted by
The Furry Fighter
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
The Chemo Rollercoaster
Felt like crap when I woke up this morning, had a sick-up in the night too - thank goodness I was scheduled for a Vet Place visit.
Stormie's Limousine came for me at 10.30am precisely - it was my driven by my favourite Strange Man In The Front today, he is from Bangladesh and the first time he saw me a few months ago he said I was very beautiful...he also said "Is that a cat?"...but at least he said "cat" and not "otter" or "monkey"!!! He told Meowmie that since he last saw us he has got a kitten for his children, he showed Meowmie his hands - which had loads of tiny little scratches all over them. Silly human!
When we got to the Vet Place Meowmie J was waiting for us, she wanted to come along and make sure I was doing OK. I was so pleased to see her (despite being in my box) that I did a little "prrrrrmmmmppp" sound, albeit a bit weak. Meowmie J made a big fuss of me and then I saw Nurse Jo and Nurse Jenna who also made a fuss of me - Nurse Jenna told me that I was her favourite patient!!!
Ben Vet came and got us all and took us into his Consulting Box, he examined me all over, having a good feel and squeeze with his hands all over my body. He then weighed me, I am only 2.98kgs now, but not surprising seeing as I haven't eaten for two and half days. He then took my temperature...well...I do HATE that very much but I won't let him put the thermometer in my mouth, so my bum is the only other option. My temperature was normal, my gums looked good..everything was normal basically.
After questioning Meowmie about the past few days Ben Vet has decided that he is going to stop the Leukeran - there is no point in my having it if it makes me feel bad and kills my appetite. So, we just have to hope that the new theories about Leukeran's possible lack of effectiveness as a post Mad Wis maintenance porotocol are true. Ben Vet said with close monitoring and regular check-ups we would be able to identify when I come out of remission and then perhaps try another protocol such as the COP protocol (I don't know what this is so if you do please leave a comment for me).
In order to make me feel better I was given an antiemetic (Stemetil) and then a Vitamin B jab...and then Ben Vet pumped 150ml of fluids into me and made me look like a camel!!!!! He also gave Meowmie some Stemetil injections to take home for me in case I get sicky-up again. By the time I got home my camel-hump had slid down my left shoulder...the first picture was taken before I went to the Vet Place, the second one was after I had come back home...look how lop-sided and fat-shouldered I look in my MUJI bag:
After Meowmie had stopped chuckling at my camel-hump and forcing me to pose for pictures she tried to tempt me with some food...and guess what...I ATE A LITTLE BIT!!! How quick was that? Within 40 minutes of being treated I felt well enough to try some food. I didn't eat so much, but it was a start. Meowmie smiled ALOT and went off to work.
If anyone ever doubts what a rollercoaster of emotion it is for the Meowmies and Daddies of chemo kittkes I would like to present the following exhibit of how things can quickly change with our health. At 10am I was very poorly and refused to eat, the following video was filmed just a couple of hours ago and just 7 hours after my treatment - I was BLOODY STARVING when Meowmie got home from work, the apptite stimulants are obviously working. Meowmie was so pleased - she called Meowmie J on the phone and her eyes were wet - but I think with happiness this time:
Posted by
The Furry Fighter
Monday, 6 August 2007
Off To The Vet Place...Again
I'm not so sure Leukeran and me are going to be friends...I have lost my appetite and have been sick daily since Saturday. I haven't been this off my food since my White Blood Cells went low...and since I was first diagnosed with lymphoma.
My last decent eating session was Saturday morning - I barely ate yesterday and today I have eaten nothing. Meowmie gave me some periactin, an appetite stiumlant, and then went to her favourite shop called Waitrose and got me some rotisserie chicken - it is my favourite but all I could do was sit and stare at it for a while and walk away. Which to be fair was more of a reaction than regular bowls of cat food have got over the past 36 hours.
So we are heading of to the Vet Place again tomorrow to go and see Ben Vet. He hasn't been so well himself and has only just returned to work after having a visit to the Hospital, I think he had something called an hernia operation. I hope he is OK.
Wish me luck for tomorrow, I guess I'll get admitted and put on a fluid drip again cos of my lack of appetite, they will need to get some goodness inside me again I suppose. I also hope that this new evidence that Leukeran might be surplus to requirements is true...and that I can survive a little longer without it.
Posted by
The Furry Fighter
Thursday, 2 August 2007
Leukeran and Guinea Pigs
Appetite recovered and have been eating well, I then had my first dose of Leukeran on Monday night - and promptly threw up in the early hours of Tuesday morning, just the usual acid-tummy sick.
Tuesday night was steroid night, ate very well and then once again threw up in the middle of the night - not just my usual acidy-tum sick either...all my food that I had gorged down some hours earlier.
Wednesday was OK though - ate well at night - and no medicines to take. What a relief. I hate taking pils.
Tonight is my next Leukeran dose (every third day you see). Meowmie is hoping I get on with Leukeran because it is my maintenance protocol and should hopefully keep me in remission. Ben Vet said that new evidence is surfacing that suggests that taking Leukeran after going through the Mad Wis protocol may not actually be necessary and that a lymphoma kitty like me could survive for a while without the maintenance protocol. Meowmie said she didn't want me to be a guinea pig though. I don't want to be a guinea pig either. They are well weird and don't really seem to do anything. I'll just stay being a cat please, these two guinea pigs look like they have been squashed - a sleek beauty like me could never spend my days looking like that! Britney Spears could use the top one for a wig!
Posted by
The Furry Fighter