Ok...this is a hard post to do cos I've been naughty...you see someone rather significant to my well-being and mindful of my well-being has found my blog, he said he loved it and that his parents and friends love it too, and he told Meowmie not to change what she writes or anything now that he has confessed to finding it and reading it. She won't :)
Guessed who it is yet? It's....BEN VET!!! He found my blog! I am not sure how cos Meowmie forgot to ask but seeing as most internet searches for cat lymphoma list my blog I suppose that is a good guess of how he found me. Unless of course he was the person looking for a "furry lady" some months back who kept coming to my blog? Or maybe he was the person who landed on my blog by googling for "the end of every party a fat girl crys scared stroking horse"? Hehehe - I'se only kidding Ben Vet!
*waves at Ben Vet and Caroline Vet and all the practice nurses and friends and family of Ben Vet*
Now that Ben Vet has done his confession I have one of my own...Ben Vet, please could you stop reading right about....now? I don't want to ruin my reputation of being a good patient...
I had some Turkey on Boxing Day evening (26th Dec for non-Brits).
Yup, despite being on an exclusion diet I had a little bit of the lovely roasted bird meat. I was in HEAVEN. I have never enjoyed something quite so much in a long time. The best part? I didn't sick it up again! In fact I haven't been sick since Boxing Day morning. Despite keeping the Turkey down I guess I have in fact destroyed all the hard work of the past few months by having some turkey, but if I haven't sicked it up again I hope that means I am not allergic to Turkey. I'll double check this with Ben Vet on my next vet visit. For now I am back on the exclusion diet though. Catfish and Tapioca isn't so bad.
Here follows...
Storm's Guide To Eating Turkey
Step 1
Get the attention of any other members of the household who also like turkey (you MUST do Lazer Eyes cos this makes them more intrigued).

Step 2
Allow other turkey-eating members of the household to get involved with what you are doing

Step 3
Make sure other turkey-eating members of the household are fully distracted before slinking off in the background towards the bowl of turkey.

Step 4