Hehehe well, not quite fangless but definitely toofless - but I couldn't wait until Toofless Tuesday to post an update! Castle had to have FIVE back/side teefs removed!!! Poor boy! You see, after they scaled and polished them they found four more that were candidates for removal, in addition to the one he went in for. I guess this is what happens when you get old. I lost all mine when I was a baby cos i had a bad case of gingivitis so I know how Castle feels. Castle was all wobbly when he got home and a bit out of it, Meowmie took a photo of him looking spaced and will post it another time, he looks so funny! I missed him and meowed like crazy when he got back from seeing Ben vet.
Meowmie had fun serving up our breakfast this morning cos Castle is now only to eat soft foods for a week and I of course am on the dry food ONLY cos of my exclusion diet. Mum served up our bowls and we both went for each other's food - Meowmie then had to lock us in seperate rooms whilst we ate, but we both meowed for each other and wouldn't eat! After much to-ing and fro-ing Meowmie managed to get some breakfast down each of us - but it took 40 minutes of herding us around so Meowmie was late for work! Hahahahaha.
I'm doing OK on the diet - I am still being sick BUT not as frequently as before (not counting the food-only gorge-sicks which Meowmie classifies as different sicks to the mostly-liquidy sicks I was doing 4 or 5 hours after eating - too much info? sorry!). I am on this diet for 6 weeks - cos that is how long it will take to see if it makes a real difference apparently.
Changing the subject now cos that last one is not very nice, Yao-Lin tagged me for the Desktop MeMe. The top image is my Meowmie's work PC desktop, it is a picture of Maragret Thatcher receiving a gift of garlic from some garlic sellers in Budapest (knoblauch = garlic in German). Meowmie saw this picture above a garlic seller's stand in a market in Budapest and thought it was very fuuny. Can you see how Thatcher recoils at the garlic??? I wonder why...the second picture is the desktop on my Mac (Whose Mac, Stormie? - Meowmie) it is Castle's eye!
Upon receiving this tag, immediately perform a screen capture of your desktop.It is best that no icons be deleted before the screen capture so as to add to the element of fun. Here’s how you can do a screen capture:
1.Go to your desktop and press the Print Scrn key (located on the right side of the F12 key).
2.Open a graphics program (like Picture Manager, Paint, or Photoshop) and doing a Paste (CTRL + V). If you wish, you can “edit” the image before saving it.
3.Post the picture on your blog. You can also give a short explanation on the look of your desktop if you want. You can explain why you prefer such a look or why it is full of icons. Things like that.
4.Tag five of your friends and ask them to give you a Free View of their desktops as well. I tag: Pets Pictures and Tails, Tiger Lily, Latte, Samantha & Tigger
5.Add your name to the list of Free Viewers with a link pointing directly to your Desktop Free View post to promote it to succeeding participants. Others who have played: Francine of La Place de Cherie Chez Francine Bloggishi Unchained Melody LadyJava’s Lounge Mariuca Revellian Dot ComDesktop Emila’s Illustrated Blog Spiff, The Spaceman Rolando Brown Baron The Kat House MAX Mother's Home! I Was Born2Cree8 Skittles' Place Faz the Cat Sweet Ariel The Cat Realm Yao-Lin The Furry Fighter
Have a good weekend everyone!
Friday, 5 October 2007
Fangless Friday
Posted by
The Furry Fighter
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Haha, the work one is SO FUNNY! And the home shot is so beautiful!! Sorry to Castle about the loss of teeth but I have that gum thing myself and will probably have to loose mine at some point too. Sigh...
I just biggified your work one and saw a pdf about server room temps? That's cool because the Chip Man has one of those rooms and he's always checking temps. Thanks for the tag!
two desk tops - that is so cool. love the story about the separate breakfast rooms - that must be so confusing for your human. have a lovely weekend FF. your furrend FAZ
Castle, I am very sorry you had to lose some of your teeths. I hate teeths. They ALWAYS cause problems. But on the positive side, your eye looks very beautiful on the desktop computer.
Have a happy weekend you two!
Poor Castle. I hope his mouth doesn't hurt him too much. I think it's funny that you both went for each other's food. I am glad that you aren't having the sick-ups as often. I love both your desktops.
"Ouch" 'bout the teeth! I still have all of mine ... knock wood.
I see that your momma uses a Macintosh with OS X, too! They are the best.
Ohh we gots taged!! We is off to mess with our bloggie now, buts you needs to stop the gorging and sickup results! We wills be watching you!
We wants you to feel good and live a healthy life!! :)
~all of us~
Wow Five teeth! My human was awed when I lost three teeth at one dentistry!
I like your desktop.
Whoa! I'm sorry you had to lose so many teeth Castle. I hope your new diet works Storm so you can feel better and not sickup so much.
I just did the Desktop meme. Thanks!
oh storm, I am sorry to hear about castles teeth but I think you two are HILARIOUS to have the human running to and fro after you for 40 minutes! That my friend is what you call team work! Sometimes two meezer heads are better than one! ha ha
Your desktop is excellent, i love the picture of our former p.m and I love Castle's eye too.
Castle, I'm sorry you had to have so many teeth removed! Storm, I'm sorry to hear you are still sicking up.
The work desktop is very funny. I like the home one!
Oh, Dorf totally sympathizes with the toofie removals! He kept having to wear e-collars each time he had his pulled though, so tell Castle that life COULD be worse...
Luf, Us
Castle,sorry about the teeth.At least they won't hurt anymore! Eating in 2 rooms and driving yer Mom crazy,hahha. I like your desktops.The one of Castle's eye is cool.Good that you don't yak so much Storm.
That is a really neat desktop. I'm glad that I have all my teefs, I don't know what I would do without them.
You all have a good weekend, too, Storm. Tell Castle I'm really sorry about the loss of his teeth.
Hi there Storm!
I think Helen was showing Luke to someone today I will let you know how it went on. He is beautiful, isn't he..I think he will find a good home soon.
Hi Storm, Castle and humans. I wanted to thank you for your kind thoughts. It means a lot in a sad time. Plus I want to say your screen shot is cool - that's Castle's eye?? Neat.
Oh --- so sorry to hear that Castle has to have the toofs removed. Pumpy and I are on different diets, too, and the woman has to supervise us at every meal or else we sneak each other's food.
I will send Mrs. Hissy Ohnezahn over to your blog so she'll feel better about not having the upper canines!
You guys are really close! That is nice. Thank you for stopping by at Forever Anastasia's blog - yes, we do miss her LOTS! OZ (Mrs. Hissy) can't help that...
I love the home screen with Castle's eye!!!!
Your friend Karl
I am so sorry about the teeth lost before, but I am sure you are doing fine now.
These 2 are very very beautiful desktop, good one and I love it~!!!!
Hi, Stormie! Both of those are great desktoppies! I'm glad to hear you're still doin' okeydokeys onna diet but I'm sorry Castle had to have some toothies removed!
Brainball's doin' much bettur today -- me and him will have an uppiedate fur our Mancat Monday post!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Poor Castle! I hope I get to keep my teeth as I get older. Glad you are doing a bit better.
Neat screen shots!
Poor Castle... we hope his recovery goes smoothly.
Nice screenshots!
Poor Castle - that;'s a lot of teeth to lose. But that is a real nice picture of Castle's eye on the desktop!
Purrrrs, China Cat
Oh Stormy you are my new hero kitty. I will keep your name written in my heart and say a purrrrayer for you to be strong and get better dear friend. Sorry Castle had to have toothies stolen out of the head...tha is no fun. Brave kitties in your household!
love Miss Peachy
Poor Castle. The last time I went to the V.E.T., they stole one of my teeth. I will never forgive them for that!
Poor Castle! I hope his mouth is feeling better.
Hope you guys are having a nice Monday!
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